CV Search
Create your unique CV and increase your chances of your dream job on the job market across Europe
Recruiter Profiles
And because we understand how important it is to stay connected, Workforceselection.eu enables people to submit their CVs and applications at any time.
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Millions of people already rely on the services of online platforms for work, and we give them the wonderful opportunity to reach you, faster and more efficiently.
FAQ - Candidate information
✅ The ads are checked by the operator of Workforceselection.eu before they are published, as well as after each edit. Workforceselection.eu does not tolerate texts with discriminatory content.
✅ Your Workforceselection.eu account allows you to track the history of your candidacies. In this way you have the opportunity to withdraw your application for a specific advertisement.
✅ Employers do not have access to all your data. Each employer's profile indicates which information is public and which is only available to operators and to them.
✅ In order to restore your account to Workforceselection.eu you only need to create your account again.
✅ It's possible that the photo you want to upload doesn't qualify - either larger or not in the required format.
✅ It is necessary to enter - name, surname, email and password (combination of lowercase Latin letters and numbers).
✅ If you have sent the wrong CV and do not want the employer to consider your application, you may withdraw your CV. You have the opportunity to apply for the same listing, but with another email address (other registration).
✅ If you forget your password, you need to write your email address in the "Forgotten password" box, after which you will receive a link from Workforceselection.eu to restore access to your account. If you don't receive an email with a new password, you can contact a Workforceselection.eu.
✅ To do this, you need to fill in the application form and attach your CV if you are a candidate without registration. If you have a registration, through your Workforceselection.eu it is as easy and convenient as possible for your application to reach the employer.
✅ We recommend that you create a cover letter from your Workforceselection.eu. In this way, you will be sure to set out your motives for the workplace and for a specific company you want to work in, why you want to become part of the team and what you are better at than the other candidates. In no case should template cover letters be used.
FAQ - Employer information
✅ You can post your current job offers for a fee or use the free version for 15 days and view candidates' applications and their CVs on your ads that you can contact.
✅ You have access to all candidates after applying. If a candidate wishes to withdraw his / her application, it will be deleted from your candidate database and he / she will be notified.
✅ The employer can see information about candidates through their Workforceselection.eu. If you wish to open someone's CV, it is necessary to click on the applicant's name if the applicant has applied without registration, you need to download the file.
✅ The "My Profile" - "Ads and Candidates" field shows the number of applications received. As an employer, you can make contact with new candidates, as well as receive notifications from new candidates on a specific ad.
✅ It is necessary to fill in the Legal Name of the company/organization without entering quotation marks, company IDENTIFICATION number, full name of the company, Material responsible person, Registration address and VAT number (if any), email and contact phone number.
✅ Go to the "Ads" column and click the "Post new listing" button. All required fields are filled in, and then the type of listing and price plan is determined. It will be published after verification by the operator and payment received.
✅ As an employer, you will be provided with the following services:
Posting job advertisements (paid and free)
Visible contacts of candidates
Candidate statistics
Special design of the ad
Add photos
Video to the ad
Top position in a given category
Website, Facebook, Intsagram links
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